2025 Eastern Division Honor Ensembles
The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Eastern Division along with the host state of Connecticut is proud to sponsor the bi-annual All-Eastern Honors Ensembles. Students from across the Northeastern states have the opportunity to apply to be part of these elite ensembles.
Thank you to all who applied.
PLEASE NOTE – We apologize if you received multiple emails from the CVENT system on Sunday 12/15. We are unsure of what happened and a ticket has been submitted to CVENT to look into this further. There was NO new or different information in each email, all emails had the same information.
Questions? Email the CT Eastern Division Ensembles Chair Hannah Cole at easterndivisionensembles@cmea.org
A call for chaperones IS OPEN! Teachers of accepted students are not required to chaperone, but CMEA would LOVE for you to consider being a chaperone if you student is accepted. Chaperones will have room and board covered by CMEA.
*Please note* If your student is accepted and the teacher would like to attend, but not chaperone, those room blocks will NOT be at the same site as where students are rehearsing.