Members Only Features of the Webpage
Here are some items that are visible only when logged in:
- Contact emails for the Executive Board, Student Affairs Commission, festival committees, HS repertoire committee and other program chairs.
- Teacher Festival Guidelines and Policies Handbook. There is an abbreviated student version of festival policies posted publicly that only contains what students need to know. Please utilize the Teacher Handbook for your own reference. It has more detail.
- CTFest Training Videos and how to access guides. CTFest link.
- CMEA NEWS magazine: Archive of past issues
- Access to some forms/applications that are meant to be for members only.
- Committee forms needed by festival and ensemble chair people and other program leaders.
- Association documents: Constitution and By-Laws, Articles of incorporation
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Use the Username and Password you received via email. ALL members will be using the same username/password.
Didn’t get the login instructions email? Ask a colleague who did receive it or send an email to the CMEA office at and we will send the login to you. Please write “LOGIN” in the subject line.